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Other Works

The Harrowing, a short story

"Dante's Inferno" meets "It's a Wonderful Life" in this vivid fire and brimstone mini-epic. 

Hal Richardson finds himself unexpectedly delivered into the fiery furnace following a traffic accident on one of his intercity bus routes - along with a few of his more secular passengers. Now, waking up in Hell is not for the faint of heart, especially when a disturbing visitor arrives with a very tempting alternative.


Driven by necessity and the promise of a second chance, Hal and his companions embark on a terrifying journey through Hell, led by one who has made the trek before. But will they survive the climb? More important, will they survive their guide?


How excited was I to wake up and find this in my Reddit feed? I have no words right now!

A huge thank you to the fabulous and talented Dr. Creepen!


Join Hal and company for your next commute!

The Harrowing has won first place in the Coalition Community's Action/Adventure category! What an achievement for my little shorty! 

The Unnamed, Beast of the Cold Mountain 

Native Americans have been telling stories about predatory shapeshifters since before recorded history. The Blackfoot tell of the wolf man. The Navajo have yee naaldlooshii, the skinwalker. The Cherokee have a tribe that can reportedly change into bears, but they all share the same animalistic foundations. And the stories don’t end there. Europeans brought over tales of werewolves. Cults of lycanthropy date back as far as 1200BC. The French have the loup-garou and ancient Mesoamericans had the nahual. And these are only to name a few. 


Yet humanity is still eager to dismiss these accounts as ones of fiction, lumping them all together within the obscure realms of myth and legend. This not only answers the impossibility of these creature’s existence, but also provides a desperate and necessary sense of security, being able to say: there’s no such thing as monsters.


Because there’s not.



Big news! The Unnamed has been accepted for publication through Bewildering Stories!




Making waves on Inkitt!

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